Friday, April 01, 2005

interfaith commission not happening (part 2)

posted @ 3:03:00 PM

Last month, Prime Minister Abdullah Badawi announced that the long pending and highly debated Interfaith Commission (IFC) was to be postponed (for how long, it was never mentioned) due to the religious sensitivities of the Malaysian populace.

Today Muslim clerics affirm their resolution to reject the formation of any form of inter religious dialogues or committees, with the justification that "Islam should only be discussed by Muslims." According to the report, the muftis have this to say.
The Malaysian Muftis Council has strongly objected to the setting up of the Inter-Religions Commission (IRC), saying that it will not be beneficial to Muslims.
Major disunity!

So one wonders in this so-called united Malaysia, things will happen only for the benefit of Muslims. If it is not beneficial to Muslims, but it brings better understanding and acceptance among other faiths, it is automatically rejected. Is this the kind of Malaysia we want to live in? One where there is a "superior" race and religion, while the minorities are relegated to "inferior" positions?

Are we moving away from the ideals set forth by our second Prime Minister Abdul Razak? Here I find the double speak that is so prevalent in politics.
Paying tribute to the second Prime Minister, Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi said Abdul Razak had proven that multi-racial leaders could cooperate and preserve unity if they were willing to do away with narrow racial-based political ideologies.
But what we find today is that racial-based political ideologies are rampant and ubiquitous. Each major race component party fights solely for the "rights" of that race, ignoring the rest of the population. While there is a flimsy "alliance" in the form of Barisan Nasional, one wonders at the sincerity of the National Front. If it was indeed ready to give up race-based politics, it should have long ago abolished UMNO, MCA and MIC, and present itself to the public as one coherent party, namely BN.

Only then, will I say there is true unity.


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