Tuesday, August 16, 2005

lim keng yaik's speech

posted @ 2:35:00 PM

Jeff Ooi has managed to obtain the original text of Gerakan President Lim Keng Yaik's speech concerning Bangsa Malaysia. Excerpt:

Is Bangsa Malaysia a reality or myth? The answer lies in the decision you make today. A nation-building project is never an easy one. Many countries took centuries to build a nation and a society. A great number of these societies were broken down and torn apart by unscrupulous conflicts masked by racial or religious overtones. Hence, different actors in the society must always be mindful of their action and interaction. We ought to practice self-discipline and to observe respect for our fellow countrymen of other races or faiths.

We need to build our society or a truly Malaysian race not by getting overly obsessed with a few racial or religious conflicts but to build on our centuries of inter-ethnic relations, understanding, goodwill and cooperation.
I am moved to tears. Lim Keng Yaik has always been known for being frank, truthful and straight to the point. With his impending retirement from politics 3 years from now, he perhaps thinks that it's the right time to give the UMNOputras a piece of his mind.


Blogger Daniel said...

Never really saw you as a person who would be moved to tears by a political speech, but i guess everyone has another side. It is true that with another few years, life as we know it would be more uncertain. But have faith. Changes do happen and happiness does exist. Hope is never lost.

Monday, November 07, 2005 11:00:00 PM  

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