more non-malays, please!
posted @ 10:05:00 AM
I don't know who this Tan Sri is, but he makes sense:

As it is, our civil service is comprised of 99% Malays, and 1% lain-lain. If we really want equitable distribution of national wealth, we need to ensure that the civil service really appeals to all Malaysians. It must not be seen as a "Malay" job, with no obligations or commitments, relaxed environment and ZERO accountability.
It must be an environment of high integrity and KPI-centric work ethics. It must have adequate financial compensation and remuneration packages so that it is not seen as a last-resort job. Finally, all Malaysians must be made to feel proud to be able to serve the country, not specifically the BN government. Because, at the end of the day, should BN lose the general elections, the government machinery still moves on at the hands of a different political party. Life goes on...
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