racial polarization
posted @ 11:35:00 AM
This piece of news is interesting.

If it took the ministry this long to figure out what's happening in our local universities, then I'm not enthusiastic about their latest efforts to "brainstorm" new ideas on how to curb racial polarization in universities.
Instead, perhaps politicians should learn how to stop meddling with the academic world and let it flourish without the restrictions of UUCA and other oppressing laws.
Notice the past few postings are more malay bashing than anything else.
Dude, I don't even know where the Malay bashing part came in. Rest assured, I do not want to bash any "race" in any way. If I have intentionally done that, I'm sorry.
What I want to see is a nation that prospers not because of the racial political structures. Instead, this country should provide an environment where every citizen has the right and equal chance to be the best, to be part of the decision makers, to be a contributing arm in the development of this country!
Malay bashing....you do that if you want to "hentam" the Malays in every possible way.....
Why not engage in Malay criticism..... criticise the Malays.... with facts....
Of course if one is ready to criticise others, then one must accept criticism too.....
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